Knight in good hands can be very dangerous figure. What is so special in Knight? Knight can attack many fields from one place – 8 fields in all direction.

The knight move is unique. Only Knight can jump over another pieces! So Knight is very mobile and can by fast use in the game! Knight doesn't move like other pieces in straight line but in L shape .Two fields in any way and one field turn. This move give L shape. To better understand watch picture very careful.

How knight attack? Knight kill enemy pieces not by jump over, only one pieces is beat – this one which stand in the end of knight move. Is very simple look on the picture!

What is good in knights?
Like I sad is very simple to use knights in the first part of game. Knights can attack multiple targets or protect multiple pieces. There is also very easy trap which can be made using one knight. When one knight attack two targets enemy have no way to protect two his pieces so he can protect or move only one and you will easily take the another! To good understand study this picture!

Good and bad sides of knights:
Good sides:
Knight is very fast
Can by use from the beginning of game
Knight can attack or protect 8 fields!
Bad sides:
With one knight in the end there is no way to give checkmate.