King move is not simple. King is the most important figure. If you loose your king you loose all game. King move only one field in any direction. King can't jump over the other pieces. King can go back and forward. To good understand look on the picture.

What is check? Check is situation when your king can be kill in next move. So Check is something like warning. Warning that you should protect the king!
Very important rule you never can put your King on field which is attack (check) by enemy! This is illegal move.
Below I present check situation.

When your king is on Check you have tree ways out. One cover your King from attack for example by Queen.

Second way out simple run from check position. I present this below.

Last way is to kill enemy Piece which attack the king.

When there is no way out from check your king is in a trap you loose and this is situation that we call Checkmate.